Parental Involvement
Monroe City Schools Parental Involvement in Education Policy
Monroe City Schools believes that a child's parents are not only the child's first teachers, but they also are the most important teacher that the child will have. The school district, the school administration and staff, the parents, and the community have the responsibility of nurturing and enhancing each child's intellectual abilities and developmental skills. Clearly, schools must work more closely with parents if we are to effectively address the needs of our children. Monroe City Schools is dedicated to providing appropriate help, both to the schools and to the parents, in the development of a team effort toward this goal.
Monroe City Schools Parents Involvement Provisions
Monroe City Schools will provide parents with information regarding the district's plans for implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB).
Monroe City Schools will hold an annual district-wide meeting so that parents can have the opportunity to review the district's NCLB Title I Program.
Monroe City Schools shall provide notice in the local printed news of the availability of the district's Title I Program Application for public review and comment.
Monroe City Schools' Title I program will provide to parents of participating students a copy of the district's parent involvement policies and will involve parents in the development of these policies.
Monroe City Schools' parental involvement program includes activities and procedures of sufficient size, scope, and quality as to provide reasonable assurance of substantial progress toward achieving the goals for school improvement and parental involvement as the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
Specific activities that will be implemented by the district are:
provide technical assistance and support to the Title I schools in planning and implementing parent involvement activities utilizing the EPATT Program. (Such as: strategies for academic improvement and Content Standards) Title I staff: administrators, principals, key teachers and parents will conduct/participate in regular parent trainings and meetings at all schools. These meetings will be held during the day (grade level), after school and on Saturdays. These training sessions will focus on the parents' role in supporting, reinforcing, and nurturing their children in an academically feasible learning environment at home. A district instructional newsletter will be disseminated every eight weeks. The newsletter, prepared by the district's parental involvement Title I Program, EPATT (Empowering Parents As Teachers, Too) staff will provide content standard based activities by grade levels (Ex: Early Childhood, Grades 1-3, Grades 4-5, Grades 7-9, Grades 10-12). Parents will be given the newsletter at conferences with teachers, workshops, and at various school activities. Newsletters will also be available at the Central Office and Instructional Service Center. Parents at identified Title I schools are encouraged to come to the Parent Resource Center located "L.I.F.T." (Lots of Ideas for Teachers) Center for assistance with strategies and activities they can do at home with their children.
conduct an annual review and assessment, with the involvement of parents, to determine the effectiveness of the district's parental involvement program.
provide reasonable support for parent involvement activities as parents may request.
provide parent literacy/parent involvement activities and support through use of several supplemental services.
All parental involvement strategies either at the district level or at the school level are written, budgeted for, or implemented throughout other budget programs and departments. Personnel at all levels meet, plan and execute strategies as a district, (Ex: Titles I, II, V, General Education, Special Education, LEP, Vocation/Adult Education, PTOs, Head Start, Reading First, K-3 Initiative, Nursery Schools, Even Start). All of the programs listed share the same parents in some instances. The total family is considered and involved. Coordination of personnel, funds, and programs are integrated and supported by all.
provide parents with reports of progress and other appropriate information about federal programs.
Upon request, parents will be provided information about the certification of teachers and administrators.
provide school report cards and conduct informative workshops for clarity.
Parents at school site meetings will be informed of the purpose and use of the Louisiana Parent Information Center.
The district LEP Coordinator and Title I Staff will hold informative meetings regularly with LEP families. These meetings will address academic proficiency meeting State standards.
School-wide will conduct monthly family and community workshops/meetings designed to explain and promote academic excellence. Ex: Family Math, Family Saturday Morning Out, Grandparents' Evening, and Honors' Night.
The district's parental involvement policy is distributed and communicated to all the schools by the Director of Instructional Services and the Parental Involvement Coordinating Teacher. Schools devise and revise parental involvement policies based on goals of the district. School policies are communicated and implemented as part of schools' compacts signed by parents, principals, teachers, and students. Effective parental involvement activities are measured by participation, volunteerism and increased academic performance.
Barriers that might exist will be addressed at the school site. The principal, building level committee in conjunction with the school improvement committee will address all concerns through annual, monthly Title I meetings and conferences. The director and the Title I administrative staff will be available to give direction and assistance to schools, staff, and parents. District-wide in-service training will address barriers that may occur.
Teacher/ Parent Student Compacts will serve as the mechanism schools will use to ensure that academic compacts will be designed and executed by each school and the outcome evaluated by Title I and other district administrative staff The Title I administrative staff along with the Title I parental involvement outreach program staff will conduct school site meetings in conjunction with parent conferences annually. At such meetings, parents' comments will be requested and collected. The Title I program and allocation of funds will be explained. Oral and written feedback will be requested as to how the reserved I % funds should be spent. The Title I EP ATT staff will conduct parent training after school and on Saturdays. Parent involvement strategies will be developed. Parents will be assisted in helping other parents become involved in activities such as: Family Math Night, Family Saturday Morning Out, Street Captains, and Block Tutoring. Parents will be afforded professional development opportunities through site training after school and on Saturdays, "L.I.F.T." Center in-services on Saturdays and state, regional, and national conferences. Parents will also be invited to share in technology training sessions with teachers and support staff.
The Title I administrative staff will meet with each school principal and the school improvement committees three times a year. During the meeting, personnel are trained on ways of communicating with and to parents in verbal and written forms. Samples are provided. Training Sessions involve dramatizations, role-playing, questions, and answers, etc
During or after four weeks of school, parents are notified of the professional qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals. The district has developed and disseminated an official letter to be sent to parents. The letters are mailed from the school sites and the Instructional Service Center.
The Parent Involvement Policy will be attached to the compact and sent home by every child. Additional policies will be disseminated at Open House meetings and parent conferences.
School-Parent Relation Goals
The Monroe City School Board shall require individual Title I schools to jointly develop, with the involvement of parents of participating students, a parent involvement plan. Parents shall be provided the opportunities to assist in the development of the school's Title I program and the school's parent involvement activities. The school staff and parents shall assume and share responsibility for the implementation of the parent involvement plan. Such efforts shall encompass the following:
Each Title I school shall hold an annual meeting to inform parents of the school's participation in Title I and explain to the parents their right to participate in the Title I program.
Each Title I school shall appoint at least (2) parents to the school's Title I Planning School Improvement Committee and shall involve these parents in the planning and implementation of the school's Title I program.
Each Title I school shall offer a flexible number of meetings for parents at various times during the day so that all parents have the opportunity to participate in parent involvement activities.
Specific activities that shall be implemented by each Title I school are:
provide parents with appropriate reports of student progress and student expectations;
provide assistance and support to parents in helping them to work with children to improve student performance;
Co conduct an annual review and assessment, with the involvement of parents, to
determine the effectiveness of the school's parent involvement program;
develop jointly, with parents a school/parent compact which describes the school's responsibilities for parent involvement in supporting their child's learning;
provide family literacy/parent involvement activities and support to parents of students who are the most "at-risk" and those who are most economically disadvantaged:
provide parents reasonable access to the school staff, and opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child's learning;
provide training to teachers and staff in reaching out to parents, communicating with parents as partners, and building coordination and collaboration with parents;
involve community-based organizations and businesses in parent involvement and family literacy activities Le. Children's Coalition, LaChip, Volunteers of America: Louisiana Promise; Ouachita Junior League; and
develop and implement plans and strategies for improving parent involvement and family literacy activities; and
reserve not less than 1 percent (1%) of the school's Title I allocation for parent involvement and family literacy activities. 95% of the 1% set aside allocations for family involvement is allowed for schools to use for parent trainings, Saturday morning academic fairs, and materials for parent training. Monies are tracked by the Federal Programs office. Schools are then given amounts and requested materials, stipends, and in-district travel which are. approved by the Executive Director of Instructional Services and executed by fiscal clerks. Transaction records are kept at the school site and at the Federal Programs Office.
with the assistance of its Title I, Part A schools, provide assistance to parents of children served by the school district or school, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following, by undertaking the actions below: .:. the State's academic content standards,
the State's student academic achievement standards,
the State's and local academic assessments including alternate assessments,
No Child Left Behind requirements .:. the requirements of Part A, and
how to monitor their child's progress, and follow the curriculum, electronically:
system-wide calendar » faculty websites
Parent Command Center
Scope & sequence of curriculum » MCS Library Automation Project