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Homeless Education Services



The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education for Children and Youth Act defines homelessness as children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, or adequate night-time residence, including:


  • In a shelter

  • Doubled up with relatives or friends

  • Unsheltered (i.e. sleeping in cars, parks, campground without running water/electricity, abandoned building, substandard housing, FEMA trailers, FEMA rental assistance on the street , etc.),

  • Hotel/motel

Note: All the above described circumstances apply to unaccompanied youth.

Homeless children may attend:


  • The school in which the child or youth was last enrolled (school of origin).

  • The school in the attendance area where the child or youth is temporarily living.



For more information, contact, Sallie Sutherland at the address below or access a copy of the Monroe City Schools Educational Plan for Transitional Students.


Instructional Support Services
2009 Auburn Avenue
Monroe, Louisiana 71201
Phone: 318-387-6511  Ext. 5017

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