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Required Employee Trainings

Monroe City Schools is partnering with Vector Solutions to deliver and track completion of the required state-mandated trainings.  It will make access to the trainings easier and more time-efficient.  This includes bullying, suicide prevention, sexual harassment prevention, etc.  There are more requirements this year as mandated by the state of Louisiana.


We firmly believe this will streamline the process for teachers, administrators, and supervisors.


To enter the Vector Solutions System, please click on the box below.  You should have received an instructional email, but the instructions are linked below.



Login Instructions for Vector Solutions









Go to the link above and scroll down until you see "Mandated Reporter Training Online."  If you have completed the training in previous years, enter your username and password.  If you have not completed this in previous years, click "Create new account" below the blue "Log in" bar.

All MCS staff are required to complete the training. Trainees who do not have accounts: Click the Create New Account link on the training log-in page.

MCS DOES NOT administer this training; we only link to it.  If you have any questions, please email

Once again, MCS does not administer this training, but provides a link to the required training.  Click on the link above, and follow the instructions on the page.

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